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From The Coach

Sport is about much more than just exercise


Sport is an integral part of the development of any child.


As well as teaching skills specific to each individual game, sport teaches kids how to work in a team and how to win and lose graciously. These are skills they will need throughout their working lives not just on the court or field.


There is nothing like sport to feed the competitive spirit and whether we like it or not life is competitive.


The unfortunate thing about some sports is that they are very expensive in terms of coaching and equipment so many kids never reach their full potential simply because parents cannot afford to contribute the level of funding needed out of ever tightening family budgets. As well, parents need to make sure all their kids get opportunities not just one.


The result can be, and often is, the loss of extremely talented juniors to a sport which is devastating not only for the child and family but also the community and even our country as kids with enormous talent are simply overlooked or are forced to walk away from their dream


GCCT is very cognizant of all of these influences and factors and our sole mission is to make tennis affordable for all budgets and develop talent in conjunction and consideration of a family’s ability to pay. 


Simply put...develop the best kids we have…...not just the best kids whose parents have lots of money.


We believe this approach will reap benefits across the sport of tennis and can also show the way for other sports in terms of junior development.


Tennis is a game I love and have played for over 50 years and I want GCCT to bring tennis to as many juniors, or for that matter senior players, as we can.

If you thought private and squad lessons were out of reach please think again! GCCT wants to bring tennis to a whole new group of kids and parents who thought it might have been out of reach and show them there is so much more to this sport than just hitting a ball over the net.

Call us at GCCT where our aims are simple and well rounded.


  • Make sport fun

  • Teach life skills as well as technical skills

  • Develop humility and humanity in our players

  • Develop manners, courtesy and etiquette

  • Teach our players how to win and lose gracefully

  • Add as much as we can to our young charges’ lives as a whole

  • Develop maturity and independence in our young athletes.

  • Include physical training as well as tennis skills

  • Make tennis something the family can enjoy together


We conduct all types of lessons for all ages and groups:


  • Squad lessons before and after school

  • Private lessons before and after school

  • School sport sessions and PE Classes for years 1-12

  • Mums and dads lessons after school drop off or before pick up


If this sounds like something you and your school or family are interested let’s have a chat about how GCCT can make it happen for you!






Mobile: 0478597615


GCCT: Afforable, Fun and Engaging Tennis

Make Sport Fun!

Teach our players how to win and lose graciously because life is competitive.

Teach Skills Beyond the tennis court. Skills that can be applied to all aspects of life.

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